Tell us your experience: be part of «Volunteers around the world»

There are volunteers all over the world, we are looking for you! On our way to the Bicentennial Anniversary of Peru, we have the mission of creating citizenship to achieve a better society. Your testimony is valuable to achieve this goal. Therefore, if you have individual or collective experience in volunteering, we invite you to be part of our «Volunteers around the world» video series. We are looking to inspire more people with your experience and contribute to the construction of a more equitable, supportive and united country towards its 200 years of independence. Members of the Peruvian and international community are invited to participate.


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What can you send us? 

•A review, press release or text publication about your action.

•A video of the voluntary action (duration 1 to 2 minutes).

•An alternative video with images referring to the action carried out (duration 1 to 2 minutes).

•Five photos referring to the volunteering action.

•Authorization for the use of image and audio. Download it here.


Meet Volunteers around the world


Topics to be addressed



Social work.

Food & Nutrition



Mental Health

Equal opportunities

People with disabilities


Animal care & adoption


What will be the criteria for selecting the voluntary action?

Videos related to the theme indicated must be sent. The selection criteria will be applied in order of arrival. If the number is large, an internal selection criterion will be applied by the jury of the Bicentennial Special Project.

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Where to send it?

Send your information to